weit auch immer Sie sind, wir bringen Sie weiter. Wir integrieren die Elemente Individualitaet, Emotionalitaet und Logik durch SystemBildung zur Hochleistungsfaehigkeit. |
ein endloses Band |
Seminartermine Seiteninhalt: Die Netzknoten: Zentralknoten Wir über uns InhouseSeminare Seminare Konzepte Themen Theorie Fundgrube Wir sind interessiert an Ihren Fragen, Kommentaren und Anregungen und werden Ihnen gerne antworten Fragen, Kommentare & Anregungen Impressum ©1990- 2007 Rolf Reinhold Last updated at 07 Nov 2007 |
auch immer Sie tun, es ist jedesmal Ihre eigene Entscheidung, ... ausnahmslos!" Mistakes are Chances(98/10/25) The ruling ideology says: "Everybody can make a mistake, ... but not twice!" This sentence sounds as if every mistake made the second time is unforgivable, as if it were avoidable the second time. So the fear of "twice made mistakes" grows, and with it the fear of mistakes at all as you perhaps could do it twice. But all I know about learning is that you need a free mind for working up to experiences all events happening to you. And if you have this bad fear you'll avoid events happen twice, even if you didn't know why they happend the first time in this way as they did. For sure in life and much more in business life mistakes can effect great damage. But where the heck are those other people with their help who afterwards would have known and done it better, if you need them? What kind of advice did they give you before? What kind of help do they give to you for the second trial? If you are living in an environment of wolves or sharks they would you let hang down, if you are in an environment of partners they would decide with you together in your way of doing it. How do YOU feel if you have made a mistake? I'm feeling very bad with any kind of mistakes and would like to be perfect. But on the other side I know that others people don't like any kind of perfectness ... with others. The "human touch" of unperfectness is necessary for being a member of a group. Otherwise they would let you make all decisions ... until you fail and fall down from your pedestal of perfectness. And that would cause a kind of social death as with your way of trying to be perfect you seemed to be a god in your own opinion. (Is to be continued ...) Für Interessierte: TeleTelefon unter +49 47 79 82 87 oder eMail: eMail an uns (back to top) Stichworte zu unserem Angebot: Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Coaching, Training, Seminare, Individualität, Professionalität, System, Entwicklung, Konstruktivismus, systemisch, Weiterbildung, Erwachsenenbildung, Führungstraining, Führungskräftetraining, Hochleistung, Hochleistungsteam, Projektmanagement, Teamfähigkeit, Teamentwicklung, Teamtraining, Zusammenarbeit, Unternehmensentwicklung, Organisationsentwicklung, ©1990-2007 Rolf Reinhold Last updated at 07 Nov 2007 |